




In 2019, I worked with Stackla as a Marketing Designer to improve and bring clarity to the relationship between influencers and brands. I led a cross-functional team (designers, engineers) and prototyped a user-centric website, tailoring the experience to diverse visitor types.


  • How does anyone measure content efficacy?
  • How do we communicate that Stackla can help to optimize the production/categorization of their content?
  • Tracking content across multiple brands can be an arduous process for content creators and brand owners.
  • Personalizing messaging and scaling up campaigns involves many pieces of software.


Introduce responsive & modular design principles to Stackla's marketing experience, enhancing flexibility and streamlining updates.


After some discussions with Megan DeGruttola and Damien Mahoney, I quickly learned that expressing a clear sense of flexibility would be what sets Stackla apart from others. A set of wireframes were created to map out some of the layouts we wanted to experiment with. We couldn't decide on the most appropriate style to use, prompting some rapid-iteration and A/B testing. Once we rendered finals, I collaborated with the engineering team to bring our ideas to the web. After some iterations and discussions with Megan about fixing up the copy, I used presentations and sketches to further refine the ideas to a point that they could be rendered in Sketch & Blender.

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