




In 2020, I led design with Scout and addressed the need for automated reselling and collecting. Together, we updated the platform with a new dashboard and created Email Hub. Scout quickly became a product that is key in streamlining resellers' workflows and reducing reliance on desktop environments. The team usually consisted of a design lead (me) and the founding team members (Anton, Truman, Shreyas).


Checking inventory can be tedious and sometimes require multiple pieces of software.


Automate the act of reselling items online with an elegant inventory tool.


The project started off with me talking to Anton, Shreyas, and Truman about the problems that users experience when reselling through Scout. The process of importing and updating data was manual at the time, so we worked fast to integrate ways to clean and manage it. While developing concepts for improving the product, we focused on building a new dashboard that tracks from multiple sources.

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